Sales Team Portal

2020 Islamorada Beer Company Holidays and Days Off

New Year’s Day (January 1)
Memorial Day (last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (1st Monday in September)
Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
Christmas Eve (December 24)
Christmas Day (December 25)

Time Off Request Form

Company Vehicle
The use of a company vehicle is a benefit for all of our employees.  Following all guidelines is required.  
Islamorada Beer Company Car Policy Form
Vehicle Request for Personal Use Form

Company Cell Phone
The use of a company cell phone is a benefit for all of our employees. Following all guidelines is required.
Islamorada Beer Company Cell Phone Policy Form

Events are a big part of Islamorada Beer Company and making sure we do not miss anything is extremely important.
If you know of an upcoming large event in which you will need tents, beer, POS, or are hiring someone this form needs
to be completed.
Event Form
POS and Event Merchandise Request Procedures
Apparel Box & Square Procedure List
Keg Return Form

Progressive Discipline Policy
This policy explains the disciplinary steps a Supervisor will take if necessary.
Progressive Discipline Policy

Goals for the Week
Please make sure you are completing this form, every Friday before noon.  If you are out of town, please make sure you plan accordingly. 
Goals for the Week

Ordering Samples and POS
1) Find out through Gabe, Larisa, Crystal, of Kayla when the next truck is coming down.
2) Regardless of when the truck is coming down, all orders need to be placed by 5pm on Monday.
3) Complete the Samples and POS Order Form

VIP and Distributor Tours

You must be 21 years old to visit this site.

Are you Over 21?